Point-Counterpoint Debate

The Student Activity Committee (STATIC) invites you to Point-Counterpoint: A Debate with CNN Contributors Dan Pfeiffer and S.E. Cupp.  This should prove to be an academically meaningful event for all members of the IUP campus community, and quite relevant given the upcoming presidential election, which is predicted to be one of the most divisive in… Continue Reading Point-Counterpoint Debate

Exciting Presentation – The History of China through Art!

Covering China from the Ground Up A  journey with  Michael Meyer Sept 22, 7:00 pm HSS 225   Meyer, the author of In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland and the Transformation of Rural China” will take us on a journey — via photographs — across Manchuria’s past, a history that explains much about contemporary China—from… Continue Reading Exciting Presentation – The History of China through Art!