Join us for a unique recruitment event: You’ll have the chance to learn more about the English program, meet faculty from the department, and have the chance to talk with current English majors and minors. There will also be first-class refreshments and snacks served. Wednesday, October 24, 3:00-4:30pm Student Lounge, Leonard 113
Author: Mr. Kevin W. Berezansky
USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship
The USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship is designed to attract outstanding young people to careers in international development as USAID Foreign Service Officers. The Payne Fellowship Program provides benefits valued at up to $90,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degree, arranges internships on Capitol Hill and at USAID missions overseas, and provides… Continue Reading USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship
International Education Week 2012
International Education Week 2012 October 22 – 27, 2012 IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences in the United States. In observance of… Continue Reading International Education Week 2012
Wednesday Workshops For Freshman Resume This Week
The Four-Year Plan: October 24 What is a four-year plan? Why is it important to begin this type of planning in my freshman year? How do I organize my four-year plan now that I have more information about my options for the future? Kevin will discuss the importance of the four-year plan and how to… Continue Reading Wednesday Workshops For Freshman Resume This Week
Summer 2013 – IUP Biology Study Abroad in South Africa
This message is to let you know that on Thursday, October 25 the Biology and English Departments will present an information session on the planned Summer, 2013 study abroad travel class in southern Africa. The information session will consist of a short slide presentation by Dr. Carl Luciano (Biology) followed by an opportunity for Q&A… Continue Reading Summer 2013 – IUP Biology Study Abroad in South Africa
IUP INTERNATIONAL WEEK PRESENTS INDONESIAN CULTURAL ARTS DAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2012 A Celebration of Indonesian traditional and contemporary cultures Highlighting performances and workshops by guest Indonesian musicians, dancers, and performing ensembles
Fulbright Canada is proud to inform you that the 2013-2014 competition for the Killam Fellowships Program for undergraduate students is now open! The Killam Fellowships Program is an opportunity for Americans to spend either one semester or a full academic year studying at a university in Canada. The award carries a value of US$5,000 per semester, and… Continue Reading 2013-2014 KILLAM FELLOWSHIP
Creative Careers Seminar
On Friday, November 2, 2012 the Pittsburgh Arts Employment Partnership will host the annual Creative Careers Seminar from 9 am – 1:00 pm at Carnegie Mellon University. The program features a keynote address by Channel 4 News Anchor and Sports Director Andrew Stockey and panel presentations on Design and Multimedia, Film & Broadcast Media, Advertising… Continue Reading Creative Careers Seminar
National Day on Writing Open-Mic event at the Commonplace Coffeehouse
Interested in reading at the National Day on Writing Open-Mic event one week from today at the Commonplace Coffeehouse? Then sign up using this link: All members of the campus community are invited to read. Only the first 20 writers to sign up will have a chance, so sign up now! Readers are… Continue Reading National Day on Writing Open-Mic event at the Commonplace Coffeehouse
DC Internships! Spring 2013 Capital Semester in Washington, DC.
CAPITAL SEMESTER SPRING 2013 WASHINGTON, D.C. DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ***SCHOLARSHIP FUNDING AVAILABLE**** Sponsored by The Fund for American Studies, Capital Semester combines substantive internships, 12 academic credits, career development activities, site briefings and lectures led by policy experts. This fast-paced, fifteen-week residential program provides undergraduate students from around the world with opportunities… Continue Reading DC Internships! Spring 2013 Capital Semester in Washington, DC.
The Human Rights Situation of Haitians in the Dominican Republic
A lecture by Mr. Ricardo Campusano, attorney and human rights activist from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:30-7:45 p.m. Johnson Hall, Room 247 Free and open to the public. Attendance vouchers will be provided. This event is co-sponsored by the Pan-African Studies Program, the Latin American Studies Program, and the African… Continue Reading The Human Rights Situation of Haitians in the Dominican Republic