We are pleased to announce that the National Security Education Program African Languages Initiative is now open to both undergraduate and graduate students. This initiative will offer Boren Scholarship and Fellowship applicants the opportunity to apply for additional language training in Bambara, Swahili, Yoruba, or Zulu. Preference will be given to applicants with prior exposure to the respective languages, but prior training is not required.
Specifically, this pilot initiative will provide the opportunity for Scholars and Fellows to enhance their Boren Awards with additional language study in the United States and overseas. Beginning summer 2011, Boren awardees will have the opportunity to enroll in domestic university-based summer intensive courses in the targeted languages. The summer U.S. programs will be followed by intensive language and culture study programs during the fall semester at specific language centers in Mali (Bambara), Tanzania (Swahili), Nigeria (Yoruba), and South Africa (Zulu). The program administrator for this initiative is the American Councils for International Education.
Please visit www.borenawards.org for more information about the options available to graduate and undergraduate students. If you are interested in receiving additional program information, please contact boren@iie.org, and we will send details as they become available in the coming weeks.