Service Opportunity with KidsRead

is an one on one tutoring program in which IUP students help kindergarten
through fourth graders develop reading skills.  

All sessions are
held at the Indiana Free Public Library on Philadelphia street which is within
walking distance of IUP campus.


sessions are held on:

Monday from 4:15pm – 5:30pm, 5:30pm – 6:45pm,

Tuesday from
4:15pm – 5:30pm

Thursday from 4:15pm – 5:30pm. 



Abuse and Criminal Background Checks are required; we have the necessary forms
for you to fill out.  You can participate as a volunteer or get paid
if you have federal work study.  You can apply online at: 


or stop by
Pratt 301 for a paper application.  Please contact Andrea Carnicella for
more information, 724-357-3103 or  

Andrea C. Carnicella
AmeriCorps Representative
Office of Service Learning

Indiana University of Pennsylvania
301 Pratt Hall, 201 Pratt Drive
Indiana, PA 15705
Office: 724.357.3103
Fax: 724.357.4079