Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls Regional Leadership Conference

Hello IUP Student Leaders!

Conference Opportunity

In years past, IUP has participated in the Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (CAACURH) Regional Leadership Conference, also referred to as RLC. Normally, these conferences are limited to how many delegates we can bring to the different host sites that change each year. However, this year the conference experience is becoming completely digital, allowing for an unlimited amount of IUP student leaders to participate! RLC is an interactive leadership and personal development conference where you have the opportunity to meet and interact with student leaders like yourself who are leaders within the residence halls and on campus. The attendees will range from RHA members, Resident Assistants, NRHH members, and advisors who come from different colleges and universities located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, West Virgina, New Jersey, and Washington D.C.


Signing Up

With this exciting change for this year, we can invite each and every one of you to join this conference. Unlike years prior, an application is not being required. Instead, the only thing you need to do right now is to fill out information in this Micrsoft form. Please follow the link here. This form will be active until Friday October 9th, 2020 at 11:59PM. To ensure you are registered properly for the conference, no late entries will be accepted!


Interest Meeting

If you have any questions, come to the interest meeting being held after the weekly RHA meeting on this Tuesday October 6th,2020. This will start at 8pm and can be accessed through this link, click here. Information about conference and questions will be answered during this meeting, via zoom. If you have any questions and can not make the meeting, please call or text me at 724-427-5286, or email me at rjcy@iup.edu!


Below are some frequently asked questions about the conference:

  • Q: I want to learn more about CAACURH and RLC, who or where do I go to?
  • Q: Who can attend conference?
    • A:
      • Any Resident Assistant, NRHH Member, RHA member, RHC member, IUP residents, IUP Student leaders
        • If you think someone could benefit from this experience, feel free to send them this information!
      • Click here to sign up for conference! (It takes about a minute or less!)
  • Q: When is conference and schedule of events?
  • Q: What happens at a conference?
    • A:
      • Educational Sessions: Small groups and interactive program presentations on best practices, experiences of presenters, and discussion
      • Networking and Roundtables: Talking with other schools’ representatives about what they are working on, what is working, what is not working, the spread of ideas, etc.
      • Recognition: Throughout the conference, a focus on recognition of participants is a big part of the conference experience
      • Opening and Closing Ceremonies: Presents information to the participants and brings all of the participants together at one time

If you have any further questions or need any clarification, Matt Tomlin is the liaison for this event and would be happy to help you.