Yellow Creek Volunteer Work Day

The Friends of Yellow Creek are organizing a volunteer work day at Yellow Creek State Park at 10 am on Saturday, April 6th.  If you need community service and don’t mind sweating a little bit for a good cause, let Kevin know.  They’ll no doubt put in several hours that day working (lunch provided).   If you’ve not been to Yellow Creek it is a very pretty place about 20 minutes from campus.

Since Kevin is working the IUP Expo that morning he won’t be at the park the entire time, but will be available to transport several participants to (and from).  If you have a car and can transport some people please let Kevin know.  He’ll give extra service hours to offset the cost of gas.

Last year they had about 30 participants and are shooting for at least that many again this year.  Let Kevin know if you are interested and he will follow up with more information!