2019 PASSHE Honors Trip to Poland

Call for Applications
2019 PASSHE Summer Honors Program
Central European Studies
Travel to Krakow, Prague, and Budapest May 12 to June 5th, 2019

Two students from the Cook Honors College will be chosen to participate in the 2019 PASSHE Summer Honors Program to the Jagellonian University, along with 26 other students from all of the PASSHE Honors programs.



Submit one essay exploring the importance of travel as an aspect of your educational journey.   Discuss previous travel, both in and out of the country, and what it has meant to you.  If you have not traveled much, then discuss what this opportunity means to you.  What about this trip excites you and intrigues you intellectually.

Limited to two pages, double spaced.


See brochure for more details.

Additional information below:

If you …

  • are in good standing with the Honors Program; and
  • returning to school for the fall 2019 semester, you are eligible to apply for this program.

The selected students must attend an orientation at Bloomsburg University on Saturday, April 13, 2019. Please see the description below for more information about the program.


Most expenses are paid by the Summer Honors Program. You are responsible for transportation to and from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania at the beginning and end of the program session, the cost of your passport, and any additional personal insurance. You will also want to bring additional spending money for souvenirs and optional entertainment costs. However, transportation to and from Europe, tuition, meals and room and board will be covered by a scholarship. You will receive Honors credit for two 3-credit courses and one 1-credit, online course.

The 2019 PASSHE Honors trip is a collaborative initiative of the universities of two jurisdictions Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and Jagiellonian University.  This study abroad is a personal opportunity for you to pursue your studies at the top-ranked European university, while remaining a degree candidate at your home university.


Academic Component

HON 101: The European Jewish Experience: A Sociocultural Perspective (3 credits).  

This course is a survey of European Jewish history since 1450 (the Early modern period, roughly 1450-1789; the “Long Nineteenth Century,” (1789-1914; and the “Short Twentieth Century,” 1914-1991). The main course goal is to develop students’ knowledge about patterns of Jewish history in the context of early modern and modern European history. We will be using Jewish history to explicate broad general historical trends and phenomenon. The topics/themes that run through the entire course include, but are not limited to:

  • Patterns of Jewish economic life;
  • The legal status of Jews (e.g., the process and limits of legal emancipation);
  • Relations between Jews and dominant communities;
  • Jewish participation in national politics;
  • Anti-Semitism (in its various forms) and Jewish responses to anti-Semitism;
  • Jewish political self-organization and communal organization;
  • Jewish family life (including demographics) and gender relations;
  • Acculturation, assimilation, and the nature of Jewish identity.


ARTHSTORY 225. History of Architecture.

The course investigates the theory and practice of European historical architecture from the end of 10th c. until the 20th c. It is intended to provide an understanding of general tendencies and local diversities in the history of Western architecture from examples through Krakow. Through field trips and class seminars, students will encounter a variety of architectural trends.


CES.210, Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe () credit)

This course offers a multi-disciplinary introduction to the geography, history, culture, societies, religions, and politics of Central Europe. Using the cities and sites that participants visit as laboratories, students creatively reflect on their travels, interviews, site visits, observations, and exchanges, and then share their experiences, photographs, and research with the university community and the world. The course also examines the background of major Central European regions in terms of the social, political, and cultural conditions of the time.


Field Trips

 During the three weeks, field trips will be organized to provide a historical and cultural perspective to the studies:

  1. Krakow city sightseeing
  2. Budapest city sightseeing
  3. Auschwitz (the largest and most infamous of the German concentration camps in Poland. It is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  4. Schindler’s Factory (a legendary factory with a permanent exhibition chronicling the Nazi occupation in Krakow);
  5. Wielicxka Salt Mine (one of the most valuable cultural monuments in Poland. It is the oldest salt mine in Europe and is inscribed in UNESCO’s First World List of Cultural and Natural Heritage)
  6. Prague city sightseeing.