Scholars Forum

Students: Present Your Scholarly Work at the 2019 Scholars Forum


Are you doing high-quality academic or creative work in your major area of study? Consider presenting your work at the 2019 Scholars Forum!


This year, the Undergraduate and Graduate Scholars Forum are combining into a single event that will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2019.


Presenting your work is an excellent way to gain experience and add to your resume. In addition, there are cash prizes and awards given to students whose work is judged to be of the highest quality.


Scholarly work from ALL major areas of study will be accepted:

  • Oral paper presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Performance/Exhibit
  • Juried Art Exhibit
  • Business Case Competition (undergraduate only)

Submission is now open in InfoReady. You can find descriptions of the forum and apply at:



All student proposals must have a faculty sponsor, so discuss your ideas with a faculty member as you prepare your submission. Students who graduated in December are eligible to submit a proposal to the forums.

 Submissions are due by 5:00pm on Friday, March 1st.

The Forums are co-sponsored by the Office of the President and the School of Graduate Studies and Research.