Crochet/Knit Creative Display Volunteer Opportunity

School can be stressful. Winter can cause depression. Being away from our families and friends can cause anxiety. If you use CROCHET or KNIT as a positive coping skill and would like to join Kaitlin LaManna in an exciting opportunity, or would like to become part of a safe community of students who can teach you to crochet/knit PLEASE READ:


The following is a link for an exciting, CREATIVE opportunity on IUP’s campus that involves giving back to the community while ALSO being kind to ourselves and one another:

This is an opportunity to come together in a safe place that encourages positive coping.

It is also an opportunity to receive community service/volunteer hours.


Click the link for her contact information and details about how to get involved.

She will reply to all those interested with meeting place and time. Monday evenings are best for her, but if there is an overwhelming request to do a different week evening, that can be arranged. I SUPPLY ALL MATERIALS. You will be taking materials home with you to work on between meeting times, and expected to bring them back when you are finished.