Rally in the Capitol Building in Harrisburg

On February 22nd the State System of Higher Education will be holding a rally in the Capitol Building in Harrisburg. This rally is designed to highlight the importance of funding higher education and will be aligned with state level budget deliberations on the matter. In order to show support, students have been asked to attend the rally. So, on Feb. 22nd there will be a bus available for students interested in going to the rally.

The details of the trip include: Bus departs from KCAC @ 7:45 AM
Bus leaves Harrisburg @ 2:00 PM
*Note that lunch will be provided

To sign up for the trip you can copy and paste the link below


If you attend the bus trip it is recommended that you notify your professors of your absence. In addition, verification of absence will be provided to all who attend.

This is a great opportunity to become involved on campus and to visit the Capitol.