Issues of Diversity: Voices From the Field

Spring 2018 will mark year 7 of the working papers series, ISSUES OF DIVERSITY: VOICES FROM THE FIELD. The Frederick Douglass Institute for Intercultural Research at IUP is seeking faculty, graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the series.

The goal of Issues of Diversity is to provide an informal and supportive setting for participants to receive critical feedback from others who share their scholarly and academic interests in diversity, social equity and inclusion. Participants can present their work at a variety of stages of completion, from inception and early findings to fairly polished pieces. Presenters can come from any discipline or field represented at IUP. Those preparing for presentation, publication, and grant writing opportunities within the university and beyond are especially encouraged to participate.

Interested individuals should submit a 200 word abstract to by 1 February. Scheduling will begin in early spring 2018. For questions or to nominate someone else for this opportunity, contact Dr. Veronica Watson at

If you are doing work related to diversity, inclusion, or social justice, please consider presenting as part of this series.

They remain interested in having undergraduates who are either from historically underrepresented groups or who are doing work related to diversity, social equity and inclusion, participate in the series. You do not have to be thinking of yourselves as “researchers” to participate, or to have a long history of doing high quality undergraduate research. In part they want this series to be a vehicle for helping undergrads to see themselves, their work, and their futures in a new light.