IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair – Service Opportunity

Please email Jan Shellenbarger at jans@iup.edu if you are interested.

I would like to request assistance from the students in the Honors College at the IUP Career Expo and Graduate School Fair <http://www.iup.edu/career/expo> on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 in the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex.

Volunteers are needed anywhere from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., and we’ve had students work for one hour up to three or four – whatever fits their schedule. Volunteers help us place employer information flyers on the booths, help employers unload their supplies from their cars, escort employers from the registration table to their booth, in some cases park their cars, etc. Business attire or business casual attire is required.

Assisting at these types of events is an excellent opportunity for students to interact with employers and educators, and perhaps have the opportunity to tell them about IUP and the Honors program. At this point we have 70 organizations and graduate schools registered to attend.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

