Student Leader Grant Opportunity!

Do you know any students who may have a passion for leadership development and want to make a change on campus? A student who may have an idea that can positively make an impact on the IUP Community?  Please help us spread the word by forwarding this opportunity to any student who may be interested!

The Division of Student Affairs and the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement is proud to announce the 2017 Emerging Student Leader Grant Award. Through the Division of Student Affairs, funds are available for leadership projects created and actualized by emerging student leaders. These funds are intended to assist students in acquiring practical experience as a foundation for making positive change at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Although the grant provides a student with a personal learning experience, that student must focus efforts on gaining knowledge that can and will be re-transmitted for the betterment and edification of the broader IUP community.


  • Only currently enrolled IUP undergraduate students who are in good academic and student conduct (judicial) standing, whose graduation date is May 2018 or later, are eligible to apply for and utilize the emerging student leader grant award.
  • Student applicants are expected to specifically describe how the experience will benefit the University community and submit a detailed project plan for sharing information with others upon completion of their grant project.
  • Student applicants are encouraged to identify and meet in advance with an IUP Faculty or Staff mentor for the Emerging Student Leader Grant Award to discuss the grant application prior to submission.
  • The Emerging Student Leader Grant may not be used to aid in the funding of speakers or entertainment at IUP.
  • Only one grant is awarded per year.


The Emerging Student Leader Grant application is attached and can be found at:

Grant award application must be completed and submitted through the Grant Award Submission Form by 4:30pm on Friday, April 14, 2017.