Opportunities at IUP for Research, Scholarships, Creative Activities and More!

There are so many opportunities at IUP this spring and summer for your students engaged in research, scholarship, and creative activities! ALL of these opportunities are open to students in every college, major, and academic discipline at IUP.


  • Research Experiences for Summer Scholars (RESS) (http://www.iup.edu/research/events/ress/)
    • Application Deadline: March 24 (for students seeking funding); May 5 (for students NOT seeking funding)
    • RESS is a FREE, 10-week, non-credit, summer program for students from any discipline who wish to engage in hands-on research, scholarship, or creative endeavors with a faculty mentor that they identify and who wish to engage in interdisciplinary presentation, professional development, and recreational activities.
    • Limited funding from each college is available to help participants offset their summer expenses, such as housing and food
    • An optional on-campus housing and meal plan is available at a discounted rate
    • In prior years, this program, which originated in NS&M, was limited to students from that college; however, the program has expanded UNIVERSITY-WIDE and is open to applications from ALL students and ALL faculty mentors from EVERY college and academic discipline at IUP.
  • Undergraduate Scholars Forum (http://www.iup.edu/undergradscholars/)
    • Application Deadline: 5:00 PM, March 10
    • Event Date and Location: Tuesday, April 4th in the Hadley Union Building
    • The Undergraduate Scholars Forum provides all undergraduate students with an opportunity for scholarly development by presenting their original research, scholarly activities, teacher work samples, business cases, or creative endeavors. Conference participation is designed to foster scholarship and collegiality among undergraduate students and faculty members and to provide a forum for undergraduate students to discuss their academic work with a community of scholars.
    • Prizes will be awarded to top scorers from each college!
    • Submission details available at: http://www.iup.edu/undergradscholars/call-for-submissions/
  • Undergraduate Student Research Grants ( https://iup.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1757855)
    • Application Deadline: 5:00 PM, April 3
    • Apply for up to $300 to support expenses related to your research, scholarship, and creative endeavors.
    • Details about allowable expenses, required IRB/IACUC approvals, eligibility, funding period, etc can be found in the Grant Guidelines located on the right-hand side of the application website
  • Undergraduate Student Conference Travel (http://www.iup.edu/research/resources/funding-research/students/undergraduate/)
    • Application Deadline: Funding requests must be approved at least 2-weeks prior to travel
    • Travel funds are available to undergraduates who are presenting their peer-reviewed and competitively selected work at professional conferences. Eligible presentations include scholarly papers or original creative works, defined as fine arts or performing arts projects.
  • Scholarly Publication Expenses (http://www.iup.edu/research/resources/funding-research/students/undergraduate/)
    • Application Deadline: none
    • Costs associated with the publication of articles in scholarly journals, which pay no royalty or fee to the author, may be eligible for funding up to $500. These costs include: article submission fees, reasonable photographic reproduction fees, and page charges. This publican fund does not extend to any writing for which the student receives compensation or to vanity press charges.
    • Applicants are encouraged to confirm their selected publication venue is not with a predatory publisher