Call for Submissions for 2017 Undergraduate Scholars Fora

We are pleased to announce  the IUP’s 2017 Scholars Fora that will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 4 and 5, 2017. The purpose of these conferences is to provide IUP students, across all disciplines, with an opportunity to present their original research, scholarly activities, teacher work samples, or creative works. The events are co-sponsored by the Office of the President and the School of Graduate Studies and Research.


  • accepted from ALL undergraduate and graduate students at IUP who demonstrate outstanding accomplishment in scholarly activity
  • December 2016 graduates are eligible to submit a proposal to the forums; however, it is recommended that they be present at the event to share their work
  • should represent high quality work that goes beyond the typical classroom assignment or project selections from class projects should represent the highest quality for submission
  • Faculty sponsors mentor students to create the quality of content expected in your discipline and to prepare it for presentation in a manner consistent with your field
  • research done in collaboration with faculty or practicing professionals is eligible for submission as long as the student has played a substantial role in the research
  • options include presentations, posters, performances/exhibits and juried art exhibits

More specific information about the fora a can be found with the following links…

Undergraduate  program:

Graduate program:

Submissions are due by 5:00pm, Friday, March 10th. All student submissions require faculty sponsorship. Access the proposal submission system at

We hope that you encourage your students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship to share their accomplishments with the IUP community at the 2017 Scholars Fora.

Please contact the forum committee via the listserv ( with any questions!!