Relay for Life!

The Administration and Finance Division is continuing its efforts in the fight against cancer by participating again this year in the Indiana County Relay for Life Event on June 16-17, 2017, at the White Township Recreation Complex. We need your help to make this year a success!!

They are asking for your support and participation once again as they join forces to raise funds for cancer research, cancer resource networking, and to help educate Americans about cancer prevention and early detection.  All of them have been touched by this terrible disease either ourselves, or through a family member or friend. The Relay for Life is one way that we can join together to fight this disease.

The Relay for Life is a 24-hour event, where each team is to have one walker on the course at all times. Each team member is asked to seek pledges as well as participate in other fundraising events. If you would like to participate in helping with these efforts, or have another great fundraising idea, please feel free to contact Lorie Albright at 

They are looking for team members! Team members will sign up to walk for an hour or more at the event, man the IUP Trackers tent, and/or donate food for our team walkers.

Will you join their team??
Click here to view the TEAM page for IUP Hawkwalkers
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Please call IUP-HR at extension 2431 for additional information on how to support IUP’s Team.  Keep watching for emails from us on fundraising activities to raise money for this great cause, EVERY donation goes toward the American Cancer Society’s mission to celebrate life and save lives.  It doesn’t take much to make a big difference.