Interested in Scripts, Film, Acting, and everything in between? Join with IUP-TV!

In the past, IUP-TV may have acted as a “Comm Media only club”, but this semester they are actively reaching out to other departments to come join in on this opportunity to work in video production.
IUP-TV offers many opportunities to students who want to work in script writing, acting, audio production, promotions, etc. They currently have 9 active shows; 7 that operate in a studio setting and 2 that film on location around campus. Their types of shows range from News (Music, Sports, Video Games, Satirical, etc) to Sketch Comedy. They are looking for fresh faces, perspectives, and ideas to add to their team. 
Their Spring Recruitment Meeting is Wednesday, February 1st, at 7:00pm in Stouffer Auditorium. Students will have the chance to view a promotional video for each show and meet with Producers to get more information on any shows they wish to join!