Volunteers Needed For Angels’ Wings Campaign

Posted on 11/3/2015 8:33:41 AM

With the holidays right around the corner, the goal of the Angels’ Wings campaign is to provide gifts for more than 2,000 children, elderly, and physically/mentally challenged people in the Indiana area. Volunteers are needed the week before Thanksgiving break, November 16–19, 2015, to assist with tabling to distribute tags. Volunteers are also needed the week after break, November 30 to December 2, for gift collection. Volunteers will be needed from 10:30–6:00 each day.

If you are able to help out for any amount of time, please contact Brooke Stanford at RFDV@iup.edu or the Office of Service Learning at service-learning@iup.edu specifying what day(s) and times you can commit to. Or, just stop by our office in 302 Pratt Hall for more information.