Faculty-led Summer 2017 Course Field Study in India!



153965-004-8e1fd8f0This Special Topics course will explicitly incorporate field observations in two Indian cities – Kolkata and Darjeeling – to explore and understand urbanization trends and the complexity of environmental problems. Contemporary Indian cities offer some excellent case studies to observe problems and conflicts that arise with economic change and globalization influences in developing world countries. In the Kolkata, we will explore issues of 1) wetland preservation in the urban fringe; and 2) redevelopment of abandoned jute factories in the urban core. In Darjeeling, we will explore forested slopes and tea gardens as impacted by climate change challenges. We will ride the UNESCO world heritage toy-train through the Himalayas with a view of Mount Everest. Field exercises will utilize GPS and other tools to gather data for mapping and analysis.

When?  June 1, 2017 – June 20, 2017 (Tentative, ±3 days based on flight fare)

Where? Kolkata and Darjeeling

Program Fee: $1,950 excluding airfare (prices may be reduced depending on enrollment)

Please visit iup.studioabroad.com and apply for Faculty-Led: India Geo/Reg. Planning Field Study

Please join us for an informal Information Session on Tuesday, Nov 1st from 5:00 PM in the HSS Building,  Room 413