Internship Opportunity- THIS

The Harrisburg Internship Semester (THIS) is a program open to students from any major with a 3.0 or higher.  Students receive 15 credits while living and interning in Harrisburg, PA.  Part of their credits come from taking a seminar at the Dixon Center with students from the 13 other PASSHE campuses. Students pay tuition to IUP as normal and get a $5,500 stipend to offset the cost of living in Harrisburg.  You can read more about the program here:
The deadline for applying for the Spring 2017 semester is 5pm, Friday, October 14th.  If the student is selected he or she will travel to Harrisburg on Friday, November 4th to interview for possible internships and meet other the other Spring 2017 interns.
The application for THIS Spring 2017 can be found here: this-application-form-fall2016-1
Agencies that participate with THIS are listed here: this-placements-1