Hunger Awareness Week, April 25-29

For the third year in a row, Dr. Melissa Swauger’s Sociology of Family students, the Indiana Community Garden, Indiana County Community  Action Program, Inc., Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Zion  Lutheran Church, Chevy Chase Community Center, and the IUP Food and  Nutrition Department are co-sponsoring Hunger Awareness Week and the  Seedling Project April 25-April 29, 2016. These events have touched  hundreds of students and local community members. The partnership  continues to grow with new community members, local organizations, and  local businesses participating each year.

Events include:
Stuff a Van Food Drive:  Tuesday, April 26 through Thursday, April  28.
Please bring non-perishable food items and toiletries to the Hub  Cul-de-Sac for the Zion Lutheran Church between 9:00am-6:00pm.

Film Screening and Panel:  Wednesday, April 27 room B-2 Humanities and Social Science Building from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
A Place at the Table tells the powerful stories of three such Americans, who maintain their dignity even as they struggle just to eat. Panelists will discuss hunger and food insecurity nationally and locally, local programs to combat hunger, and the hunger problem on IUP’s campus.

Poverty Simulation:  Friday, April 29, Room 126 HHS Building, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
We need 60  participants to make the simulation a success. Participants must  be able to attend for the full time and must register at (

Library and McElhaney Hall Window Displays:  April 1-30.
The  student-designed displays (one in the library and one in McElhaney  Hall) include visual information about hunger and food insecurity  locally and nationally.

Seedling Project:  Distributions will occur April 25, May 9 at Zion and May 10 at Chevy Chase
Patrons from Zion, Chevy Chase, Church of the Brethren, Unity Family Services, Trinity Methodist can sign up for seeds/seedlings. The primary objective of the Seedling Project is to find innovative ways to get fresh produce directly to individuals who patron five local food pantries that are relying on charitable food  while teaching them about food sources. The project will provide approximately 200 families access to fresh fruit, vegetable, and herb seeds and seedlings. If you would like to help on distribution dates, April 25, May 9, May 10 please contact Melissa Swauger at