Special HC Invitation to Speak with Holocaust Researcher Dr. Dean, April 14

Dr. Martin Dean will be talking on campus on 14 April as part of IUP’s commemoration of the Holocaust for this academic year.

As part of the events open to the general public that day, Dr. Dean will give a keynote address entitled “The Nazi Universe of Camps” from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. (Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Rm 126).  That same morning, Dr. Dean will also talk to a select group of students at 11:00 in HSS Building, Room 310.  Honors Students have been extended a special invitation to interact with Dr. Dead in a small group setting. The title of this earlier talk is “From War Crimes Investigator to Encyclopedia Editor: Finding New Ways to Research the Holocaust.”   If you are at all interested, please send an email to arpaioa@iup.edu!

“Martin Dean obtained his doctorate from Cambridge University. From 1992 to 1997, he worked for the Metropolitan Police War Crimes Unit in London, tracking down Nazi war criminals who had entered the UK. He currently serves an Applied Research Scholar at the Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the USHMM in Washington, DC.”

NOTE: For those taking HNRC 102, this would count as an academic talk Fine Arts event!

Dean Special Talk Flyer