CTA Internship and Job Opportunities in DC – $15/hour

At the recent DC Alumni Networking event, Kristen Nafziger (IUP-CHC 03′) offered an inside track to internship and job opportunities at the Consumer Technology Association where she works.  The Human Resource Director of CTA is an IUP graduate as well.

This is a tremendous opportunity for almost any major as you can see from the below internship opportunities.  Go to https://www.cta.tech/About-CEA/Work-at-CEA/Career-Opportunities.aspx for more information.

Please email kevinb@iup.edu if you are interested.

Internship Opportunities

Event PR Intern
CES Operations, Exhibits Intern 
CES Marketing Intern
Project Management Intern 
Web Developer Intern
Communications Intern
Environmental Affairs Intern
CTA Marketing Intern
Legal Intern
Accounting Intern
Conferences Intern
CES Sales InternCES
CTA Foundation Intern 
CES Operations, Registration & Show Service Intern
CES International Marketing Intern
Technology & Standards Intern
Membership Intern 
Government Affairs Intern
Marketing Partnerships & Fulfillment Intern 
CES Event Logistics Intern
Human Capital Intern 
International Communications Intern 
International Sales Intern
Government Programs and Events Intern
Digital Media Intern