Holocaust Rememberance Events + Scrapbook Contributors Needed!

We are currently seeking students to contribute to a scrapbook which will be given to two Holocaust Survivor Speakers, Moshe Baran and Cantor Moshe Tuabe. Materials will be provided, but we need students who would be willing to add to the pages in any way that they would like (reflections, key words, phrases, quotes, pictures, ect.)

I’ve had the opportunity to speak with Moshe in past years, and his story is truly inspiring. I highly recommend not only participating in this opportunity, but also attending his 6:00 Series lecture on April 4th. Getting the opportunity to hear from and speak with someone who actually experienced the Holocaust and its effects firsthand is more impactful than you can imagine.

If you are interested in participating in the scrapbook, please contact Josh Goldin at j.s.goldin@iup.edu.
For more information on other events, see the schedule below!


Holocaust RemembranceEventsFlyer2016