First Pre-Law Society Meeting of Spring 2016

IUP’s Pre-Law Society will be hosting its first meeting of the semester on Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:30 p.m. in the room 207 of the new Humanities and Social Sciences Building!

Come meet other students who are interested in law school, and help create an agenda for the club. All IUP students are welcome to join the Pre-Law Society, which serves as a valuable resource for those interested in law school and law-related careers. Joining IUP’s Pre-Law Society gives you:

  • Leadership opportunities
  • Access to resources compiled by the Pre-Law Society
  • Information about law school and law-related careers
  • A place to meet other students with interests similar to yours
  • A chance to visit law schools in the area
  • Plus, the Pre-Law Society is a lot of fun.

Please direct questions about the Pre-Law Society to the Patricia Gonzalez, President of the Pre-Law Society at