Undergraduate English Studies Conference Seeking Submissions

I am posting alert you to a terrific conference opportunity for your undergraduate students: the April 1st Undergraduate English Studies Conference at Mansfield University.

Students can submit pedagogical research, creative writing, literary analysis, anything really that falls under the rubric of English studies.  That said, we are especially looking for work that fits in with this year’s theme: “Against the Current.” This theme translates to presenters whose work pushes back against entrenched ideas, genres, disciplines, or economic, social, and cultural beliefs. We want papers that probe controversies, analyze movements, question genres, break boundaries, cross disciplines, and complicate  definitions. Anything goes, as long as you are cutting against the grain. Please note abstracts must be submitted by Feb 1 2015.

If  you have any questions, please direct them to: Dr. Jimmy Guignard at eapsu16@mansfield.edu.

CFP for Spring 2016 EAPSU Conference
 (Click to see Flyer w/ additional info)