Walk Through Latin America Exhibit and Events

I hope you are able to join us for some or all of the events and please advertise to your classes, friends, and colleagues as appropriate.

For IUP students, attendance vouchers will be available for all activities.

The following groups and departments have provided funding thus far for these Latin American fall events: Latin American Studies, University Museum, Women’s and Gender Studies, Robert E. Cook Honors College, College of Business, College of Fine Arts, MARTI/CALSA, English, Foreign Languages, History, Journalism, Management, Sociology.

If you would like to contribute to these events please notify me and feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Join Brian Jones from the Department of Theatre and Dance for a fun filled afternoon of puppet building. Our first event is Sunday, October 11th Puppet Crafting 1st Session of three–Building the Puppet.

Please visit the Latin American Studies (LAS) webpage at http://www.iup.edu/latinamerican/default.aspx .  Events are still being added.  The University Museum announcement is at http://www.iup.edu/livelyarts/art/walk-through-latin-america/

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