Volunteer with the Northern Appalachian Folk Festival

Hi Caleb!

I know that honor’s college students do a lot of great volunteer work.
Would you be willing to spread the word that we are seeking student
volunteers during the Folk Festival on Sept 11 and 12? You can find out
more info about this event here: http://northernappfolkfest.org/

If they are interested, they can contact me via email and I will add
them to our schedule. We have also had a student volunteer serve as
‘volunteer coordinator’ with great success in the past. If you know of a
great candidate to help out in that role, please let me know!

We need students to sign up for time during the following blocks.

Friday Sept 11
1 – 5 pm: Set up festival
4:30 – 5:00 – Walk with the Puppet Parade from the Artist’s Hand to
Philly and 6th street
5 – 10 pm: Assist at information booth and sell t-shirts and other
promotional items

Saturday Sept 12
9- 10 am: Set up Children’s Alley at IRMC Park on 7th st.
10 – 3: Assist at Children’s Alley
3 – 4: Take down Children’s Alley
10am – 10 pm: Assist at information booth, sell promotional items,
welcome visitors, keep festival clean and functioning
10 – 11 pm: take down festival booths, tables and chairs

Any help much appreciated!

Amanda Barrett Poole, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Sustainability Studies Co-director
Center for Northern Appalachian Studies Director
Office: McElhaney Hall G1K
Office Hours: T&Th 2-3:30, W 10-12
Office Phone: 724-357-2735
Mailing Address: 441 North Walk, Indiana PA 15705