Spy Guys and Dangerous Gals – Honors Connection Spring Formal

Spring Formal Poster Final

The annual Honors Connection Spring Formal is taking place this year on April 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the College Lodge. Do you like your drinks shaken, not stirred? This year’s event is entitled Spy Guys and Dangerous Gals, so dress up in your most glamorous, spy-worthy attire. Tickets are on sale now. They are $6 for singles, and $10 for couples. See Mara Menk in room 238 to purchase a ticket! Also look for us in the front lobby after spring break. Want volunteer hours to drive people?

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VGSlBnpI_kyCGOO55JP39vnXOw44rLHYj30kqvgvRz0/edit?usp=sharing Want volunteers hours to make a poster? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dGY9_l-vaoGGlLrTKdXpN3KKOkP-T1OMowzfyXym40k/edit?usp=sharing


Honors Connection