IUP TESOL Graduate Certificate of Recognition (GCoR)

 Teaching English Abroad

Become a teacher of English as an international language (EIL) in just two semesters(18 credits). The TESOL Graduate Certificate of Recognition (GCoR) program prepares you to teach English abroad. The program faculty introduces you to a setof core courses that situate teaching English as a social, cultural, historical, andpolitical endeavor in a variety of educational institutions outside of the United States. Furthermore, the program provides you with specific materials (teaching videos, media clips related to learning English, etc.) describing the cultural and educational backgrounds of the target countries in order to understand how English is learned and used in those countries.

Applying Credits Toward the MA in TESOL

The TESOL GCoR was created specifically for those who already have an undergraduate degree from an accredited university and who are interested inteaching English abroad. Students who complete the program and wish to pursuea master of arts degree in TESOL will be able to apply credits earned through theTESOL GCoR program toward completion of the MA in TESOL program if they enter the master’s program within two years of finishing the TESOL GCoR program.


Take all courses with your classmates as a cohort (about 15 students are admitted each fall), progressing through the entire one-year sequence of classes as a group. You will take three 3-credit courses per semester for two consecutive semesters.

Courses (18 credits total)

Required Courses

ENGL 625 Introduction to TESOL
ENGL 644 TESOL Methodology, Materials, Instructional Technology
ENGL 725 Second Language Literacy
ENGL 742 Cross Cultural Communication
Electives (Two of the following)
ENGL 754 World Englishes
ENGL 723 Second Language Teaching
ENGL 641 Special Topics: Critical ESL Assessment

ENGL 730 Teaching Writing


• Minimum grade point average requirement is 3.0on a 4.0 scale
• Bachelor’s degree
• Interest in and commitment to teaching abroad


Dr. Gloria Park, TESOL GCoR Program Director
Sutton Hall, Room 346


Teaching Opportunities
Check the following websites for opportunities to teach English abroad:
• www.nuic.ac.th
• www.chinavacancies.com
• www.GoldStarTeachers.com
• www.eslteacherrecruiter.com
• www.ESLemployment.com
• www.met-job.com
• www.eslrecruitme.com
• www.exploringabroad.com
• www.epik.go.kr
• www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/JET/