Free Film and Tour at Jimmy Stewart Museum

Thanks to the
work of English Dept. graduate student Julia Grove and the generosity Jimmy
Stewart Museum director Tim Harley, IUP’s Center for Film Studies is able to
offer the following opportunity for all faculty and students this Thursday
evening, Sept. 27.


The Museum is
graciously waving the admission fee (though donations are very much
appreciated) and providing an engaging tour of the Museum to participants at
6:00pm, followed by a showing of Harvey
which will begin at 7:00pm. 

This is a great opportunity to check out the Jimmy Stewart Museum, watch a
classic and quirky movie (which centers around Jimmy Stewart’s interactions
with his 6’3” imaginary rabbit friend, Harvey), and have some great critical
discussion following the film in a relaxed and open atmosphere. Hope to see you


Check out the
trailer for Harvey at IMBd.

Stay tuned for information about Brandon Galm’s presentation of Eraserhead in
the Allegheny Room on October 25 and Meg Oldman’s presentation of Sucker
, also in the Allegheny Room, on November 


Thank you for
your time, and we’d appreciate any further suggestions for film showings or
events that you’d like to see.




Tom Slater

Dept of English