SIAM Visiting Lecturer

We are pleased to announce the SIAM Visiting
Lecturer Program (sponsored by the S-COAM program and the Mathematics Department) on
September 26, 2012.  
speaker, Dr.
Sara Del Valle, is a scientist/project leader in the Los Alamos National
Laboratory Energy and Infrastructure Analysis Group. She has worked on
developing and analyzing mathematical models for the
spread of infectious diseases, including smallpox, anthrax, malaria,
HIV, and influenza, on a pandemic scale. She has also worked on social
network analyses and modeling and simulation of large scale, agent-based

Please let your students know the following three presentations. Verification of attendance can be provided for students.

Great Careers in Mathematical Sciences

1:25-2:15 p.m. in Pratt Auditorium

Abstract: Science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) are playing a key role in the development of new
discoveries and meeting the challenges of this century. In this talk, I
will present some examples of scientific advances made possible by the
interaction between science and mathematics. In particular, I will
describe the role of mathematics in epidemiology, climatology, biology,
sports, and entertainment.

How to Succeed in Science: My Story

3:35-4:35 p.m. in Stright Hall, Room 327/329

Abstract: Pursuing a career in science has never
been more timely, but also difficult due to the current economic
uncertainty. In this talk, I describe my journey and provide some advice
on the difficulties that lie ahead and the skills that you will need to
succeed. Although my advice is geared toward women and minorities, many
aspects of my talk are universal.

Mathematical Modeling for the Spread of Infectious Diseases

5:30-6:30 p.m. in Stright Hall Room 327/329

Abstract: Emerging and re-emerging infectious
diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality across the
globe. Modeling efforts can help improve the effectiveness of public
health interventions and minimize the population and economic impacts of
an epidemic. In this talk, I will describe different mathematical and
computational models used to simulate the spread of infectious diseases,
including smallpox, influenza, and HIV and show the impact of
intervention strategies on their spread.

 Thanks for announcing these presentations to
your students. If you have any questions,

please feel free to contact me.
 Yu-Ju Kuo