Honors College Community Service

Welcome back to Whit!  I am excited to help you get off to a good start on your Community Service projects again this year.  We have a new student community service coordinator this year.  Andi Bragiel will assist me in working with the Wednesday Workshops for freshman and the arduous task of documenting all submitted service hours. 

To assist us with the timely processing of hours, something crucial to you receiving credit for your service, please consider the following submission tips:

1.  Please enter all completed service hours through the honors college submission page at http://www.iup.edu/honors/page.aspx?ekfrm=100350&linkidentifier=ekfrm&itemid=100350.

2.  Don’t sit on your hours until the end of each semester.  Please enter them on a regular basis throughout the semester as you do them. 

3. The requirement is for 60 hours of service per year, not 30 per semester.  The annual service cycle starts in September and ends in May.  Remember that service done during Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring breaks should be counted towards your service total.

4. While there is no service expectation for freshman this fall, you
certainly may pursue the activities and involvements that will eventually count
as service.   Andi and I will introduce community service to freshman at the first Wednesday Workshop on Wednesday, September 12 from 11:15 AM to 12:05 PM.

5. If you have a question about the validity of your involvement as service, just ask.  Andi can be reached at a.n.bragiel@iup.edu.

Community Service Guidelines are available on the HC website for service at http://www.iup.edu/honors/page.aspx?id=100154.

Have a great year of service!