Africa Trip for Summer Session #2 in 2013.

The Biology Department is planning summer
study abroad courses in southern Africa for Summer Session #2 in 2013.
Travel will be in late July through early August 2013 and we plan to visit
South Africa and Swaziland, possibly also Botswana. We usually have room
to take along a few IUP faculty and staff as well as the students.
The planned courses are described more fully in the attached file. Also you
can visit the course web site at:
for more information. (This site is still under construction and therefore
More information and photos are posted on the bulletin board outside Room
125 Weyandt.
There will be an information session on the Africa
classes onTHURSDAY MAY 3 at 7:00 PM
Room 6 Weyandt ANYONE interested is invited to