Indiana Community Garden is looking for your help!

Spring is upon us and our Indiana Community Garden is looking for your

The Indiana Community Garden has 1 acre of land to use at Mack
Park (corner of Cater Ave. and 6th Street). We currently have all 15
individual raised garden beds rented for this summer however, we will
have 3 larger areas for everyone within the community to use and

volunteer with. Produce from the 3 large community garden spaces will be
shared among the community, volunteers who work in the garden and excess
donated to our local food bank, ICCAP.

“How can I help?”

We are
planning on “Building” our Community Garden on Saturday, April 14th from
8:00 am- ?. We have applied to the IUP Office of Service Learning’s “Into
the Streets” program on this day. However, we are looking for anyone in our
community interested in volunteering their
time or tools (shovels, rakes,
wheel barrows, tools) to assist us in building 15 raised garden beds,
digging and hauling soil.

We are also currently seeking donations from
the community to assist us in purchasing the necessary supplies to build our
Community Garden. Please see the attached flyer. A donation of $100 will
provide all of the materials needed to construct and fill a 4′ X 12′ X 10″
garden bed AND your name will appear on a small sign beside the bed.
A donation of $42 will provide wood necessary to build one raised garden
bed and a $58 donation will provide 1.5 tons of topsoil to fill one
raised garden bed. However, all donations are more than welcome.
make checks payable to “Penn State Ext./Special Account” and mail to Indiana
Community Garden Project Coordinator, Marie Olson 472 S. Seventh Street,
Indiana, PA 15701.

For more information regarding the Indiana Community
Garden please contact us:

search “Indiana Community Garden”
Phone: Marie Olson- 724-463-1387