Diversity Workshop

Who we are can influence how we respond to
sexual violence. Learn more about sexual violence among military
veterans; people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender; African
Americans; and men.

This is the third workshop in a series of five that are designed to
help individuals who are likely to assist survivors of sexual violence.

  • Thursday, February 23, 3:30-4:45 p.m., Room G60, Suites on Maple East

Please join Malinda Cowles, Haven Project director, and Jessica Miller, psychologist with the Counseling Center,
as they provide insight and information on how you can help someone who
has been assaulted. The workshops will cover a variety of topics. You
are not required to attend all of the workshops. This workshop is free
and open to all.

For more information, e-mail Malinda Cowles (malinda@iup.edu) or Jessica Miller (J.E.Seacrist@iup.edu).