Nottingham Trent University Summer Institute

The Fulbright Commission Nottingham Trent Summer Institute is a
four-week cultural and academic programme for US students held at Nottingham Trent University in the UK.

The theme of the institute is Creativity, Culture, History and Heritage.

Participants in this summer school will get the opportunity to:Nottingham Market Square

•    Experience a lively academic programme that examines local culture, history and heritage.
Follow a creative course in subjects that include photography, fine
art, graphic design, product design, fashion and textiles, decorative
arts, interior design and architecture.
•    Gain credit that they can transfer to their home institution
•    Take part in a range of social activities in the culturally vibrant city of Nottingham
•    Volunteer in the local Nottingham community.
•    Develop their learning skills, improving presentation, research and communication skills
•    Take part in a farewell exhibition to show off their new skills and present what they have learnt about Nottingham.
•    Meet people from all over the world, make friends and experience life as a real student in the UK
Become an ambassador for studying in the United Kingdom, and for the
prestigious internationally renowned Nottingham Trent University.

The Institute will take place from 7 July – 4 August 2012

Award Benefits

The majority of the participant costs will be covered. This includes:

•    round-trip airfare from the US to the UK;
•    tuition and fees at Nottingham Trent University;
•    accommodation and social programme;
•    subsistence e.g. food and drink

Participants are expected to pay for their own travel, health and accident insurance.

will be housed either in single-room, self-catered, en-suite
accommodation in the city centre halls of residence or in a homestay
within a short distance of the city-centre.

Students will also receive WiFi access and gym membership for the duration of the Institute.

Programmes do not preclude participants from applying for a Fulbright
Award later in their academic career. The summer institutes are
intentionally designed in such a way that allows participants to come
back to the UK at postgraduate or postdoctoral level as a Fulbright Student or Scholar.

Selection Criteria

To meet the minimum eligibility for this Institute you need to:NTU Students in Lee Rosey's Tea Room

•    be a US citizen (resident anywhere except the UK) and possess a US passport;
•    be at least 18 years old by the start of the programme;
•    be able to participate in the programme in its entirety;
•    have a high level of academic achievement with a minimum GPA of 3.5 (confirmed by academic marks, awards and references);
have at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, i.e.
applicants should currently be a Freshman or Sophomore in
•    be mature, responsible, independent, and open-minded;
be willing and able to fully participate in an academically intensive
programme that includes attending all sessions, completing all
assignments, contributing to classroom discussions and supporting
student ambassador style work as required;
•    have had little or no study or travel experience in the UK or elsewhere outside of the US and;
•    expect to return to the US and continue your education.
•    have an interest and contagious enthusiasm for culture, history, heritage and the arts

Note: The programme is open to students in all courses of study.
Those holding permanent residency ‘green cards’ may not apply.

Please read the Terms and Conditions for this award before making an application.

In making these awards the Commission is looking not only for
academic excellence but a focused application, a range of
extracurricular and community activities, an indication of ambassadorial
skills, a desire to further the Fulbright Programme and a plan to give
back to your home country upon returning.

Candidates will be
considered without respect to race, colour, religion, national origin,
ethnicity, sexual preference or gender (including gender reassignment).
Individuals from a broad range of ethnic, religious, geographic, and
socio-economic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.


All applications are due Friday 16 March 2012 by 5pm (UK Time)

To apply please download an application form

If you have a query about applying please read the FAQs document before contacting the Commission.

Please note: Applications which arrive by email, by fax or late will
not be considered. Please ensure that you attach sufficient postage when
sending forms/letters to the US-UK Fulbright Commission in London. We
will not accept excess charges for items of mail which have been
underpaid – they will be returned unopened.

If you would like
confirmation that your application has been received by the Fulbright
Commission, you must send your application via Recorded Delivery.
Commission staff will not confirm receipt of applications by email or


Applications will be short-listed and successful applicants will be invited to telephone interviewNottingham Castle sometime between the dates of 18 April – 27 April 2012. Interviews will only be held these days and may not be rescheduled.

If you are making an application, please save these dates as an
invitation to interview may come within a few days of the interview
date. The selection committee will be comprised of Fulbright Commission
staff and on occasion representatives from a relevant field, academics,
US Embassy and/or Consulate representatives.

Important note: The
US-UK Fulbright Commission is unable to give feedback on individual
applications or to provide reasons for their refusal.

Candidates will be considered without respect to race, colour,
religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual preference or gender
(including gender reassignment). Individuals from a broad range of
ethnic, religious, geographic, and socio-economic backgrounds are
encouraged to apply.


December     Competition opens
16 March       Application deadline
Early April     Short-listed candidates invited to Interview
18-27 April    Telephone Interviews
Early May      Notification for successful applicants
May/June       Preparation and Pre-Departure Information
6 July            Departure for UK
7 July            Arrival in the UK
4 August        Return to USA

Additional Information

Programme Outline

The Summer Institute is divided into two parts:

Art and Design Programme: Weeks 1 – 3

Students will select from a wide range of existing creative courses
in subjects that include photography, fine art, graphic design, product
design, fashion and textiles, decorative arts, interior design and
architecture. Each course runs Monday to Friday 10:00 – 16:00 and the
schedule allows students to change discipline from one week to the next,
following a creative path of their choosing. The courses to choose from
will include:

Architectural Model Making NTU Bonington Building
Art Studio Experience
CAD for Fashion Industry Portfolio
CAD for Product Design
Contemporary Cultural Textiles
Creative Laser Technology
Digital Marketing Essentials
Experimental Fine Art Printing
Fascinators and Vintage Flower Making
History of Women’s Fashion 1900-1950
Graphic Design – Beginners
Interior Design for Beginners
Introduction to Adobe Creative Suite
Photoshop for Photographers
Portrait Photography
Real Photography
Watercolour Now

will also be the option of studying the Summer Study Abroad:
Architecture, Contemporary Art, Design, Fashion and Accessories and
Furniture courses.

Fulbright students will work alongside people
from Nottingham, across the UK and overseas. They will therefore meet
local practitioners, professionals and other students, and build a
global network of fellow artists and designers. Subjects will be
delivered by a range of tutors who are active in the local creative
community and/or lecturers from NTU. Students will develop a new
perspective to their work based upon their engagement with fellow
students, in addition to their new creative and technical skills.

Art and Design Open Workshop and Final Exhibition: Week 4

last week in Nottingham will be an open studio experience that allows
students to concentrate on a preferred creative discipline and produce
work for a final exhibition. The week will be overseen by an academic
member of staff.

The final exhibition will be held in one of
NTU’s dedicated gallery spaces. The event will be attended by senior NTU
staff, tutors, the team behind the programme plus invited guests from
the local art and design world, civic dignitaries and alumni of NTU who
have gone on to successful careers.

History and Heritage

Throughout the Institute there will also be a History and Heritage
Programme, two evenings per week and Saturday daytimes. Fulbright
students will attend a scheduled lecture programme about Nottingham and
its local legends, including the real Robin Hood. There will be visits
to museums and galleries of local and national importance, an experience
of a mock historic trial based on the city’s literary heritage, and an
exploration of architectural developments that have changed the city

Sample History and Culture Programme schedule:NTU Arkwright Building

History: Week 1
Lecture 1: Medieval Nottingham: bringing Robin Hood to life
Lecture 2: Industrial Nottingham and recent history
Saturday: A Global Study of Nottingham: from the crusades to the New Art Exchange

Heritage: Week 2
Lecture 3: Nottingham Contemporary Art Centre and the art studio scene
Lecture 4: The Lace Collection and textile history
Saturday: London Olympics and the visual identity of the east end

Literature and Law: Week 3
Lecture 5: DH Lawrence and Byron: Nottingham’s literary past
Lecture 6: The Galleries of Justice: a mock trial
Saturday: Take the Mic: roving reporters

Nottingham’s Skyline: Week 4
Lecture 7: History of Nottingham’s Architecture: castles, canals and courts
Lecture 8: Contemporary Architecture: new designs and the sustainable city

Theatre RoyalSocial Programme and Volunteering

Events such as a theatre trip to the city’s Theatre Royal, Playhouse or an independent theatre production, a cinema night at the independent Broadway,
a comedy night at a lively venue and a boat trip along the River Trent
will ensure students experience the culture and entertainment of
Nottingham. There will also be a Welcome and a Farewell Dinner for
Institute participants.

Time will be set aside for a Volunteer
Challenge whereby all students will be interacting with the local
community. Previous volunteer challenges have included creating social
activities for older people at the Radford Care Group, conservation in
Bestwood Country Park and a makeover for the Emmanual House homeless

All course content is subject to change. The information is intended
to provide an initial scope of the programme and should not be
considered final. Content will be updated as details are finalised by
Nottingham Trent University.


Students will be fully supported
whilst in Nottingham by a dedicated team of Institute and academic
staff. Fulbright students will also have a dedicated student ambassador
to mentor them and provide support throughout the Institute.