Wednesday Workshops in the Writing Center!

The IUP Writing Center and the English Department will offer these free and
open workshops on Wednesday evenings in 218 Eicher Hall.

All workshops will begin at 6:00 p.m. and last for about one hour. No
reservation or appointment is needed. Can’t make the date or time? Please e-mail and we’ll send you the
presentation handouts. For more information, call 724-357-3029 or visit


Wednesday, Feb. 1: Using MLA to Document

MLA is commonly used in the humanities and is often
required in courses like Research Writing and College Writing. This workshop
will show you how to cite sources within the body of your paper and how to
create a Works Cited page at the end.

Wednesday, Feb. 8: Using APA to Document Sources
APA is
commonly used in the social sciences, psychology, business, and education. This
workshop will show you how to cite sources with parenthetical references in your
paper and how to create a list of references at the end.

Wednesday, Feb. 15: Using Google Scholar to Locate and Document

Google Scholar is a useful tool for writing research
papers. This workshop will show you how to use Google Scholar to find full-text

Wednesday, Feb. 22: Revising Your Research Paper to Flow

Once you’ve got the sources, you still have to fit them in
with your own ideas and get everything to flow together. This workshop will help
you do that.

Wednesday, Feb. 29: Proofreading Your Paper
Do you
have trouble seeing grammar and punctuation mistake’s in your writing (like the
one in this sentence)? Maybe you’re using the wrong strategy when you read. This
workshop will show you how to find errors and correct them.

Wednesday, March 7: Using Prezi to Create Dynamic

PowerPoint can be easy to use but it gets
boring quickly. Prezi is a dynamic, easy-to-use alternative. This workshop will
show you how to impress your audience with an eye-catching