Study at Oxford: PASSHE Summer 2012 Honors Program

and Back Again:

Modernity, and the University

HON 340
Topics in Culture & Society

HON 320
Topics in Self & Society
(3 cr.)


The PASSHE 2012 Summer Honors
Program is offering a TOTALLY  FREE, NO
EXPENSE trip to England to study at Oxford University.


Each school in the State System of
Higher Education chooses two Honors students to participate in this TOTALLY
FREE, NO EXPENSES program.  Cook Honors
College selects two students to represent us who make the best case for
themselves through their application materials. What do we look for?  Fit
and understanding of the importance of this experience to your academic
trajectory is most important to our committee. 

Course Description: (See detailed brochure and attachments for more information)

For centuries, as England’s center
of higher education, Oxford has been the source of scientific development,
political conflict, and artistic achievement all of which have created a rich
history of intellectual achievement. Our program will explore the city and
colleges of Oxford, where landmarks, artifacts, and residents will help us
understand how and why the city of dreaming spires became – and remains – such
a cultural center. We will focus on how history, particularly medieval history,
has been experienced, understood, interpreted, and re-written over the years by
such authors as Geoffrey Chaucer, J.R.R Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Lewis Carroll, and
J.K. Rowling. We will consider the history of universities and books, and what
it means for our present-day understanding of academic institutions and the
knowledge they cultivate. By focusing on the complex myth of Oxford itself, the
program will enable us to think deeply about mythmaking and its place in our

How to Apply to Represent Cook Honors
College on this Trip

1) Résumé/vita (created after consultation with Don Asher College to Career
resume book)

2) Four year plan (freshman will go over this on Wednesday, October 26th
and Monday the 31st.)

3) Personal statement (see Kevin for details on this important document)
Limited to one page single spaced.

4) An essay explaining why you want to go and how this experience would help
you along your academic/career path. Limited to one page single spaced.


5) In the case where it is too close
to call based on submitted materials, interviews of finalists will be


6) All applicants must notify Kevin
Berezansky of their intention to apply and solicit the required resources to
help complete their application.


Deadline: Applications should be submitted to Kevin
Berezansky no later than Thursday, December 1, 2011.