Volunteers Needed to Assist Young Students in Math and Science

The IUP Upward Bound Math and Science Academy is looking for volunteers to work with low income students who apply to be part of the program.  The Upward Bound Math and Science Program is one of seven federal TRIO
programs authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 to help
low-income Americans enter college, graduate, and move on to participate
more fully in America’s economic and social life.

The philosophy of the IUP Upward Bound Math and
Science Program revolves around the core of its existence–our students.
Each program service and activity is designed to equip them to be
successful on their journey to a four-year degree and, ultimately, to be
successful in life.

The purpose of the Upward Bound Math and Science program is to
provide program participants with the requisite skills and motivation to
matriculate from high school, enroll in college, and graduate with
degrees in STEM disciplines.

Dates for this academic year:

September 24    

October 8

November 12   

December 10

January 21      

February 18

March 24

April 21

May 19

If you are interested please contact Jacque Benhart at j.s.benhart@iup.edu or 724 357-3033/724 357-1342.

Upward Bound Math & Science
IUP-TRiO Programs
1011 South Drive
Sutton Hall
Indiana, Pennsylvania   15705-1018