RAINN Day 2011 – Service Hours

Get involved with RAINN Day 2011. Help the Haven Project end sexual assault
at IUP. On Wednesday September 21st, help chalk the walk and earn service
hours. Meet at 6:00 pm in front of the Stapleton Library.  On Thursday
September 22, talk to people in the Oak Grove
about RAINN  Day while
carrying a painted umbrella.

Unsure about what RAINN stands for? It stands
for Rape Abuse Incest National Network. You can learn more at
RAINN.org.  If you or someone you know is a victim of rape or sexual assault,
there  is help. The Haven Project at the Alice Paul House 24/hr hotline 
724-349-4444. All services are free and confidential.

1 in 33 men and 1 in 6
women are victims of sexual assault.  Someone is sexually assaulted every 2
minutes in the US.  Domestic violence is the #1 reason why women go to the
73% of survivors know their attacker.  College age women are at 4
times higher risk.  NEVER blame a survivor.