Kennedy Center Arts Management Fall Internships

The Kennedy Center Internship Program provides valuable on-the-job
instruction for individuals considering a profession in arts
management. Internships in departments throughout the Kennedy Center
are full-time, and last three to four months depending on the program

About the Internships

Approximately 20-25 students are selected each semester to participate in a three to four month long, full-time (37.5-40 hours per
week) internship (Fall: September-December; Winter/Spring:
January-May). Limited internships are offered in the Summer:
May-August. Internships are available in various departments
throughout the Kennedy Center. Detailed descriptions of the
departments are listed at the links below. 

Each intern, with their supervisor, develops a list of learning
objectives and goals that they would like to accomplish as well as being
assigned a project to be completed during their time at the Kennedy
Center. Each intern maintains a working portfolio, attends required
intern events, and participates in mid-semester and final evaluations.

Interns receive a stipend of $225 per week to help defray
housing and transportation costs. College credit may be available.
Reduced work hours may also be available depending upon course work
requirements during the semester. Interns attend weekly sessions that
are led by executives of the Kennedy Center and other major arts
institutions in Washington, D.C. Interns may attend performances,
workshops, and classes presented by the Center, free of charge (space
available), during their internship.

Application Deadlines

All materials must arrive in one package and must be written in English or have a certified translation. Postmark deadlines are:

Summer Internship

  • Program Dates: May 31 – August 5, 2011
  • Application Deadline: February 25, 2011
Fall Internship

  • Program Dates: September 7 – December 9, 2011
  • Application Deadline: May 13, 2011

Placements may be offered in the following areas:

Kennedy Center departments offering summer and fall internships are
listed under their respective links. Please note there are a limited
amount of summer internships offered this year. A greater number of
internships are offered during the fall program. The departments
receiving fall interns have not yet been confirmed, but all possible
placements are listed. Please use the department names in the “List
three areas of interest” section of your application form.

How to Apply

Submit the following in one complete package:

  • Internship application form
    (Requires Adobe Acrobat)
  • Cover letter discussing career goals, computer skills, and three internships of interest
  • Resume
  • Official university/college transcript(s); undergraduate and graduate (if applicable)
  • Two current letters of recommendation from individuals who can
    speak for your background and skills. Letters must arrive in sealed
    envelopes with the signature of the letter writer appearing across the
    envelope flap.
  • Writing Sample (no more than three pages)
  • All qualified applicants will receive consideration for an Internship without regard to race,
    color, sex, age, national origin, religion, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital
    status, citizenship, or any other protected status. The Kennedy Center offers equal opportunity
    and treatment to all who apply and is committed to diversity.