Free Planetarium Show about Messenger Mission to Mercury

The upcoming Messenger spacecraft mission at Mercury will be the topic of a planetarium show by Dr. Ken Coles, Geoscience Department.

The show will be Tuesday, March 15, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the IUP Planetarium.

NASA’s Messenger spacecraft was launched in 2004 and has swung past
Mercury three times. This month, the Messenger spacecraft will go into
orbit around Mercury and image the entire planet. What surprises will it
find? Learn what we do–and don’t–know about the closest planet to the

Another public planetarium show, on Thursday, May 12, will consider the predictions of doom in 2012.

The planetarium is located on the first floor of Weyandt Hall.
Seating is limited; doors will open fifteen minutes before each show.

Groups that wish to attend are asked to call in advance.

For more information, call 724-357-5626 or 724-357-2379.