Fulbright UK Summer Institutes: Applications Open!

The US-UK Fulbright Commission is pleased to
announce the opening of its competition for the 2011 UK
Summer Institutes
Participants in these programmes will get
theopportunity to experience an exciting academic programme at a highly regarded
UK University, explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK and develop
their academic ability by improving presentation, research and communication

There are three Summer Programmes
available for US students in 2011:



The Summer Institute will cover
the majority of the participant costs. This includes round-trip airfare from the
US to the UK, tuition and fees at the University, accommodation and social
programme, subsistence (e.g. food and drink) and visa processing.

Minimum eligibility for this
programme; applicants need to:


  • be
    a US citizen and possess a US passport;
  • be
    at least 18 years old;
  • have
    a high level of academic achievement with a minimum GPA of 3.5 (confirmed by
    academic marks, awards and references);
  • have
    completed no more than two years of university study; i.e. applicants should
    currently be an undergraduate Freshman or Sophomore in
  • be
    mature, responsible, independent, and open-minded;
  • be
    willing and able to fully participate in an academically intensive programme
    that includes attending all sessions, completing all assignments, contributing
    to classroom discussions and supporting student ambassador style work as
  • have
    had little or no study or travel experience in the UK or elsewhere outside of
    the US;
  • be
    able to participate in the programme in its entirety, and;
  • expect
    to return to the US and continue their undergraduate education.


Note: The programme is
open to students in all courses of study.


For more information and application forms, please
visit: http://www.fulbright.co.uk/fulbright-awards/for-us-citizens/summer-institutes


The application deadline is April 15, 2011.


Thank you for sharing this with your


For more information contact:


Special Programmes Coordinator

The US-UK Fulbright

Power Station, 188 Kirtling Street, London SW8 5BN
T +44 (0)20 7498

F +44 (0)20 7498 4023

E laura@fulbright.co.uk