Forum for Undergraduate Student Editors

Hello! My
name is Lauren Bailey. I’m the student director of FUSE (the Forum for
Undergraduate Student Editors) at Susquehanna University. FUSE will host a
national caucus on February 4, timed to correspond with AWP’s conference in
Washington, DC, and it is my hope that student editors and faculty advisors from
your institution will attend.

Last fall,
FUSE began reviewing college student literary journals from other schools. These
reviews can be found here: In addition, we have a Discussion Board where
undergraduate editors post questions about editing and publishing that are then
answered by students all over the country (visit it here:
FUSE has been active at Susquehanna since 2001, but this year, we’re reaching
out to other colleges and universities in a way we haven’t been able to in the
past. Gathering together students and their faculty advisors in a caucus setting
will give us an opportunity to talk about FUSE as a community, up close and
personal–and our goal, through hosting this caucus, is to instate a national
chapter of FUSE that will have its yearly meeting at AWP.


We would
love to have representatives from your school at the FUSE caucus, which takes
place on Friday, February 4th from 10:30-12:00 in the McDowell Formal Lounge (in
University Center) at American University (you can take the “blue-line” bus from
the Tenleytown-AU Metro station straight to AU’s campus). The meeting is free
and open to the public–no registration for AWP is necessary.


During the
first half of the event, we will elect national officers. It is our hope that
the officers will be comprised of students and faculty from schools all over the
country. In addition to six student officer positions, there are also four
positions available for faculty members. In the second half of the event,
student panelists from Widener University and Bennington College will present
talks on “The Undergraduate Journal Online.”


Participants will meet student editors and faculty from other schools,
hear new voices and perspectives, and–if you choose to run for an officer
position–gain exposure and experience on a national level. FUSE is thrilled to
extend this invitation to you, and we hope to see you there. 


If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them at either or


Lauren Bailey

Creative Writing
Co-editor of Essay Magazine
FUSE Director