The National Collegiate Honors Council Portz
Fellowship Committee will be accepting applications January 1 – February 1,
2011 from undergraduate honors students for Portz Fellowship Grants. This award
is named for Dr. John and Mrs. Edythe Portz, pioneers in honors education whose
support of imaginative ventures in undergraduate education has benefited college
students in Maryland and throughout our nation since the late 1960s. The highly
competitive award is open to students at NCHC’s 800+ member institutions in the
United States and beyond.
The Portz Fellowships support original and
extended interdisciplinary projects for up to eighteen months. Applications for
the second round of grants will be accepted January 1 – February 1, 2011.
you would like more information about the Portz Fellowship, please contact Dr.
Patrice Berger at pberger1@unl.edu, or 402-472-5425.
Applications and information about the
Portz Fellowship are available online.