The Women’s Club of IUP will be awarding four (4) $100.00 Book Awards to deserving female students prior to the beginning of the second semester.  The form required to apply for this award is attached. This Book Award is based on the financial need of the student, as well as the information contained on the required application and 200 word essay.


The Awards are in the form of house credit designated for “Textbooks Only” established at the IUP Co-op Bookstore in the name of the recipient.  The credit may be used anytime during the semester for the purchase of textbooks. 


Questions may be addressed to Shirley Bush, 1632 Old Route 119 N., Indiana, PA 15701, by e-mail to sabush4@hotmail.com, or by phone (724-349-2647) prior to the application deadline of November 29, 2010. 





Shirley Bush

Ways and Means Chairperson

Book Awards Chairperson

Women’s Club of IUP