Summer Internship Program in Germany

CDS International, Inc. (CDS) is currently accepting
applications for the Summer Internship Program in


This program provides an opportunity for students at U.S. and
Canadian colleges and universities to gain international work experience,
improve German language skills, and experience German culture firsthand from
late-May through August 2011. Internship placements are available in a variety
of fields, including, but not limited to business, economics, engineering,
finance, German studies, international relations, IT, media/communications,
non-profit sector and tourism.


For detailed information and application materials, please
visit our website at:



December 15, 2010




-U.S. citizenship; non-U.S. citizens must be enrolled
students at a U.S. college or university before, during and after the program;
Canadian citizen enrolled at an accredited U.S. or Canadian college or
university; German citizens cannot participate; U.S. citizens graduating in May
2011 are also eligible

-Maximum age is 30

-The equivalent of 2 years of post-secondary instruction of

-Participants must have completed at least 2 years of study
at a university/ college


CDS is also accepting applications for the Émigré Memorial German Internship Program – German State
Parliaments (EMGIP)


EMGIP provides American and
Canadian students the opportunity to intern at the Landtage – German State
Parliaments. This is a great opportunity for individuals hoping to pursue
careers at a regional level of government in the U.S. or Canada, or who are
interested in specific policy issues such as the environment, education and/or
healthcare. Participants on the program gain practical work experience with a
state parliament, utilize their German skills and experience German culture


For detailed information and application materials, please
visit our website at:



December 1, 2010 for Early Summer

March 31, 2011 for Fall




-U.S. or Canadian citizenship

-Undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled at U.S.
or Canadian colleges and universities may apply

-Maximum age is 30

-High-intermediate German skills (oral and written) are

-At least 2 years of study in a field related to
International Relations, Public Administration, Political Science, Law,
Economics, European Studies with an emphasis on Germany; German or German
Studies, if applicants have a minor in one of the above fields


We appreciate your support and thank you for passing this on
to prospective students!


Best regards,



Program Director | Internships Abroad


CDS International, Inc.

440 Park Avenue South,
2nd Floor | New York, NY 10016

Tel +1 212.497.3515 | Fax +1
212.497.3584 |