The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship is a program established to
provide college graduates with the opportunity to gain a Washington
perspective on issues related to peace and security.


Spend six to nine months working full-time on research and/or advocacy on a range of issues concerning security, including disarmament, nuclear and conventional arms control, environmental security, peacekeeping, and the military budget.  Scoville Fellows have written fact sheets, letters to the editor, articles and reports, and been quoted in the media.  They may attend policy briefings, and Congressional hearings, and have meetings with experts in the field.  Many Scoville Fellows have taken jobs following their fellowship with one of the participating organizations or with the Federal Government.

The fellowship is named for the late Dr. Herbert Scoville, Jr., a long-time public servant and advocate of international peace and nuclear arms control.

Choose to work with one of the following organizations in Washington, DC:

•Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
•American Association for the Advancement of Science
•Arms Control Association
•British American Security Information Council
•Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
•Center for Defense Information
•Center for Nonproliferation Studies
•Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
•Citizens for Global Solutions
•Federation of American Scientists
•Friends Committee on National Legislation Education Fund
•Global Green USA
•Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

•Institute for Science and International Security
•National Security Archive
•National Security News Service
•Natural Resources Defense Council
•Nuclear Threat Initiative 
•Partnership for Global Security
•Partnership for a Secure America
•Peace Action
•Physicians for Social Responsibility
•Henry L. Stimson Center
•Truman National Security Project Educational Institute
•Union of Concerned Scientists
•Women’s Action for New Directions

Benefits include a $2,400 monthly stipend, travel expenses to Washington, DC, and health insurance.

Application Deadline:
Spring 2011 Fellowship–October 8, 2010 (begin between January 15 and April 1, 2011)
Fall 2011 Fellowship–January 14, 2011 (begin between July 15 and October 1, 2011)

For further information, program description and application requirements, contact:

Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship

(202) 446-1565