Automation: What Does the Future Hold


Automation, it sounds exciting doesn’t it? Imagine a world where computers and robots take over the job market thus displacing millions of workers. It seems extremely futuristic but the day that computers come for your job could be right around the corner. With self driving cars, robotics, and artificial intelligence even the most untouchable jobs may be up for grabs in the future.

From fast food workers all the way to up to accountants and truck drivers the workforce is in danger of automation. Though very innovative, what does this exactly mean for the working class. Even if one fourth of jobs are to be automated, that would mean that a quarter of those whom now have jobs no longer would which raises many questions.

Just several months ago the Obama Adminstation warned of how automation could displace workers within the next 15 years. Obviously such a displacement of workers would be devastating on the economy so it is a good thing that the topic is being discussed now since there is no real answer on how to deal with it. Some have suggested that governments consider paying everyone a livable wage in order to compensate for the lost jobs. Others suggest that laws are placed in order to restrict automation. It truly is a hard answer to tackle.

On the bright side though there are many people actively researching the topic.

Interested to see if your job could be automated? Check out the following link, though the accuracy is questionable it is an interesting tool to use.

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